
2002-05-29 12:12 PDT

Just woke up from my Road Rally weekend… Boston to Baltimore, to Greensboro NC, to Deep Gap for the Day, to Boone for the Next day, and back to Boston… I did just about all the dirving… Wow am I exhausted…. Only to find that I need to come up with something to say on Friday night…

Not that there is much to say mind you… I installed OS X on a separate partition ( I wasn’t about to mess with what works well.) Ran all the updates. Installed Java 1.4 (with the JDK) and then tried to compile the linux version of Tomcat for Darwin with help from Apple’s Project Builder. After that I figured out what didn’t compile well, threw it in the trash and tried it again…

What I truly ended up with was a declawed copy of Tomcat running on OS X and using Apache. It was buggy, and I am sure somebody who knows a reasonable bit about Java (which I do not) and know’s Darwin/BSD Unix could make all the parts compile and get the damn thing to work perfectly…

All I was able to do is demonstrate limited functionality, and in my opinion prove that it is not impossible to get it to work…

Well that is about it for me for now… Time to go pass out again.